themermaidfashion Inaugurazione ufficiale della stagione #masterswim. Non vedo l’ora di riprendere le gare del circuito @federnuoto. Il obiettivo i
Campionati Europei di Nuoto Master #Budapest2020
Costume per allenamento nuoto: @boneswimmer PIN-UP A40F Camu Leo 💜
🇺🇸 Official opening of the #masterswim season. I can't wait to resume the races of the #fin circuit. Next goal: European Swimming Championships Master #Budapest2020
Swimming Training Costume: @boneswimmer PIN-UP
Outfit Items
55,00 €
Pin Up - A40f Camu Leo…
330,00 €
Black Frame 01 Sunglasses In Acetate With Polarized Lenses…
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